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  • The Fat Finch

Why a new website for The Fat Finch?

We are super excited about The Fat Finch relaunch and hope you are too. we are carrying a similar assortment of merchandise for bird lovers but fine-tuned for our current times.

Actually we felt forced into making some changes due to the challenges of being a small retailer in today's world. For many years we used a small company’s shopping cart server to manage the orders placed on our site. Several months ago and without any notice to us, the cart server was acquired by a company owned by Capital One. Capital One is not a small company and the cart function that they provided to us is cumbersome and complicated. They also, big surprise, raised the prices for our online credit card processing. In addition, we needed a better way to manage our site so that we could list new products faster and keep our inventory current by showing you exactly what we have in stock at any given moment, something we've been unable to do before now. We also decided to take a hard look at the products we offered and although we have always been a full-service birding store offering a large line of feeders, birdbaths, birding books and other birding basics, we found that we hardly ever sold any. We attribute this to competition from large online retailers like Amazon. So, we have decided to become a true “boutique” and our focus will be to offer beautiful bird-themed goods, jewelry, home decor, art and more. We do have a good stock of feeders, accessories and books left over and we will put those on our sale page. Check that page out often as we will list more and more in the coming days. Also, in future newsletters, we’ll keep you informed about new feeders, etc. on the market. So, for the past three months, we have been hard at work on the new site and are quite proud of it. We hope you enjoy the beautiful designs of the new website and find shopping there easy and pleasant.

And now for some bird news.

Are you a regular birdwatcher and do you have a feeder in your yard? If so, think about joining Project FeederWatch. It’s easy and fun and you will be helping scientists gain important information about bird populations and their movements. It’s a wintertime activity and runs from November through early April. (You can start anytime.) For a small fee of $18 ($15 for Cornell Lab members) U.S. participants receive the FeederWatch Handbook with tips on how to successfully attract and identify common feeder birds. You will also get an annual summary of FeederWatch findings. Visit for details.

Northern Cardinal

The Fat Finch’s Bird Brain Blog + Newsletter

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